Reflections on Revelation #343

‘Day 343

Our Reflections on the Book of Revelation have come to an end. It is my hope and prayer that you have seen how clearly this is a magnificent Revelation of Jesus Christ. Where to from Now?

Over the last two years I have prepared two 12 month SMS series on i) The Revelation of Jesus Christ (2019) – the one you have just completed with 47 others (58 did it in 2019) and 2) The book of Psalms. (120 are near the end of this one). Writing these daily 350 word manuscripts has driven my devotional life! For 2021 I am currently preparing a series, “In The Footsteps of Paul.” It will follow the life of Paul from conversion to execution by Nero. It will briefly cover all his letters and sermons, but will concentrate particularly on my two favourite books in the New Testament – Galatians and Romans. This will take 12 months (or more). You are invited to walk with me on a daily basis through 40+ years of Pauls life and witness his contribution to Christianity. If you have been receiving the Revelation Reflections I will automatically roll you into this series unless you instruct me otherwise. The “Footsteps’ daily devotional will arrive by SMS at about 6am on your phone (or email).

Through this series, you could read and think about all of Paul’s writings which includes 13 letters and major sections of the book of Acts. Acts written by Luke, who was a disciple of Paul. A worthwhile exercise!

If you missed the Mediations in the Psalms series and would like to catch up I will also be revising and rerunning both series on Revelation and the Psalms. These will come in the evening at about 8pm. If you know of anyone who you think may be interested, now is the time to get their Phone number or email to me, (Stating which series they would like.)

Sincerely yours

Ross Chadwick

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