Reflections on Revelation #72

Day 72

“Because you say, “I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have no need of anything,” and you do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked,” Rev 3:17 NASB.

How can it be that the final church in history, the one that will see the consummation of all things, could be so self-sufficient and hold to an empty profession? This is Jesus’ final message to the church!

What is wrong with Laodicea? In a human sense, there is nothing wrong with Laodicea. She has achieved what all human beings desire; comfort, ease, the alleviation of all needs. But Laodicea is a church, and Jesus Christ has called the church to a life of self-sacrificial service. The church is to leave its comfort zone and take radical risks to share the gospel with those in need. Our comfort zone, however, can be deceptively hidden even from ourselves.

Laodiceans assume that their prosperity and ease are rights that they are entitled to. They have little sense that sin has relegated us all to a deep inner wretchedness that is only masked by the outward marks of wealth and culture. The pitiful condition which the Laodiceans have hidden from themselves is often deeply felt by those who have been abused and mistreated in this world. They can hardly lift up their eyes to look in the eyes of another, much less pray for healing.

If we saw people as Jesus does, I think that we would be shocked by the miserable lives most people live. Seldom nourished by the Word of God or the gentle touch of others, their spiritual lives are listless and in the quiet moments of the night, they indeed see themselves as miserable, poor, blind and naked. If we have been touched and transformed by the grace of God, then we are called to go forth and be God’s gentle healers of broken people. Would that Laodiceans were as aware of their need and the desperate need of others who are wistfully looking to heaven.

1 Comment
  • Henny Vanderpol
    Posted at 09:27h, 15 March Reply

    My church and many others in the area are part of a campaign Can We Pray For You. In this time of Lent we can point people to what Jesus did for us on the cross. With a connection to a website where prayers can be filled out. Many people will pray for these needs. Prayer works! I know and have found that to be true! I have been miraculously healed!
    Thank you Ross for your devotional.

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