14 Dec Reflections on Revelation #80
Day 80
Summary of the Seven Churches: Like the Book of Daniel, the opening chapters of Revelation set the pattern for the rest of the book. Daniel 2 outlined the history of the world from his day until the end of time and the coming of Jesus. Revelation 2 & 3 set a pattern that is relevant to first century Christians, but is also relevant through the centuries until the end of time and the coming of Jesus.
The problems presented in these letters are the problems that face every Christian in every age. These problems have been more marked in some periods than others and are therefore prophetic. This shows the wonderful symmetry of the word of God, that these messages can be specific and yet relevant to all ages. We noted the increase in apostasy as we went through the ages, but also the increase in promises. There is also increasing stress on Christ coming to Judgment.
Ephesus was warned by Jesus about losing its fervour. Smyrna then became the era of martyrdom and lasted up until the time of Constantine in 313AD. This began the era of Union with the world. Pergamum was the centre of pagan cults. The story of Balaam was used from the OT, where we had Christianity and paganism joining hands. In Thyatira, from about 538 until the reformation, we have the era of deepening darkness and permeating heresies. Here the story of Jezebel, the sun worshipper, and Elijah was alluded to. This will be expanded in Rev 17. The Reformation brought the glory of the gospel back into full light.
Sardis, the church following the Reformation lapsed into formalism but was followed by Philadelphia in the 1700s, which was the missionary church – the open door. Laodicea, which means “Judgement of the people,” is the last church. A church of lukewarm self-sufficiency and empty profession. The Laodiceans will see the coming of Jesus in the clouds and many other things leading up to that event that Revelation will go on to expand.
The most encouraging thing – Jesus our High priest walks in amongst the churches ministering in love to their various needs.
Henny Vanderpol
Posted at 09:00h, 25 MarchThank you Ross for your explanation of the seven churches. I have never looked at those churches as a story of the history of our church. A revelation!