18 Jan Whispering Eternity #25
Day 25.
The evidence that Christ is who he claimed to be and that He rose from the dead is insurmountable. Sadly, many never take the time to examine the evidence. Towering above all other evidence is the evidence of the cross. It is deeper than argument it is stronger than death. Calvary is deeper and stronger than all man’s reasoning. It is the foolishness of God on a cross.
Calvary is timeless. It is not a matter of 2000 years ago it is here and now. He built a bridge from a cross of wood and there where time stopped eternity stood. Calvary was the eternal walking within the bounds of time. Calvary was another visit from God to man. It was a mountain that felt the footsteps of its creator and there saw him lifted on a rough-hewn cross between heaven and earth as though he were not fit for either.
Calvary is God’s answer to sin. Calvary is God’s answer to fate and human destiny. Calvary is God’s answer to you and I. Could it be that the God of the universe, in a final attempt to help our limited finite minds grasp something eternal, suffered the death which was ours, that we might receive the life that was his.
But why did it happen? Why did the Son of God have to go to the extent of dying? Was there no way to by-pass Calvary? No! There was no way. Sin had challenged God’s eternal law and that law must stand or the entire universe would be in rebellion. There was no way to deal with it except they way He did. That was to take the deadly curse of the broken law upon Himself.
Here’s part of a poem I wrote 3 years after the previous one. It was now 1975.
The agony of the weight of His body stretched the wounds in His hands
But so many now would see the blood, in all times and in all lands.
He built a bridge from a cross of wood,
And there where time stopped eternity stood.
Won’t you walk this way to seek loves sight?
For there where the law of God demanded death of the sinner with his life,
Christ, not only a man, but God, our sacrifice.
And there as the day turned to shade
The God of heaven, the Son of Man His life laid.
How? Oh how can it be?
The Shekinah of heaven died for me.
And yet Calvary seems so far away
How, dear God, can I apply it to my life today?
How can I begin to understand your love?
That you God, would come and die on a cross from above.
You emptied all heaven so that I might not die
You lived a life of fulfillment of a law that could not lie.
You paid the price of that broken law
And then to heaven for me, you opened the door.
Help me Lord to hear your call
Bring me to your feet, that I may fall.
Help me Lord to open my heart and hear your plea
That you dear God did die for me.
Posted at 07:41h, 04 AprilBeautiful devotionals