Whispering Eternity #32

Day 32.

On one memorable occasion in my past I was given a written assignment to do on the kidney. The kidney is an organ so small it will sit comfortably in the palm of your hand. It weighs about 140 gms and the body has been fitted with two. Yet these tiny organs filter 250 litres of fluid every day. Biologists tell us that the kidney is second only to the brain in complexity. The basic function of the kidney is to cleanse the blood of waste that has been carried from the cells. It also controls the complex balance of chemicals in the blood. It calculates exactly how much potassium, sodium, calcium and hydrogen the body needs. It regulates the body’s water balance and produces a solution from the blood that carries the waste away to the bladder. It also removes acid from the body by secretion (and that doesn’t smell so good!)

A quarter of all the blood from every heartbeat goes down the renal artery to the kidney and there it divides and divides into tiny tubules, coiled in 2 million loops. These tubules become so tiny that the blood cells have to be picked over one by one. The red blood cells are actually too bulky to fit down the tiny passageways and so they must be dismantled, much the same as a mechanic would dismantle the engine of a truck, clean all the parts and put it back together again. So the kidney removes 30 chemicals from the blood cells, then reinserts 99% of them. The remaining 1% is waste and is hustled to the bladder and expelled.

The complexities of all this astonished my mind and could only become evidence of the skill and power of its designer. What does a half-evolved kidney do while it is waiting for nature and time to switch it on?

As I walked in my environment and agonized over the meaning of life, I also considered the complexity of the process by which I could see all these things. I was aware of the fact that light striking my eye had to travel through a lens of 2000 infinitely fine layers of transparent fiber. This was then interpreted via a system of rods and cones that produced inverted images. The optical nerve had transported this inverted image to the brain, which then put it up the right way. The ability of the eye to focus far and near in an instant is a feat that no camera has yet been able to reproduce.

So which evolved first, the lens, the photoreceptors, the optic nerve, the rods or cones? The eye cannot function without any of these, so what use is a half-evolved eye? If the eye evolved what did the body do while it was waiting several million years for sight to develop and switch on the light? Evolutionists will tell us that in the dim (pun intended) past there were creatures running around in the dark with half-evolved eyes! Evolution does not make sense at all when you really think about it. Our sight is distressing to the evolutionists because a half-evolved eye is useless and there is no way that part of an eye is beneficial to an animal and therefore, it would be eliminated by natural selection. Natural selection is an observable scientific fact. Another observable scientific fact is that mutations never add information; they always take it away. So anything like a half-evolved eye would never have survived the process of natural selection. It would have been eliminated. But to us the eye is not a baffling mystery. It is a work of wonder and artistry by the master designer.

Romans 1:22 says that professing themselves to be wise they become fools, because they worship and serve creation instead of the Creator. This is the tragedy of modern science.

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