Whispering Eternity #68

Day 68.

It is so true, that nothing worth achieving comes easily and the only way to move forwards and achieve our dreams is to cultivate tenacity and persistence. These are qualities that can be learned partly by following our commitments even when we don’t feel like it.

As Abraham Lincoln said, “Always bear in mind that your resolution to succeed is more important than any other thing.” More than anything else having a sense of purpose keeps a person going during adversity. Purpose is the fuel of persistence. In order to climb over the mountains in life’s journey we must have purpose so that our work is meaningful. Then our goals will be reached. Remember that in the journey of life we will always get whacked and thumped and that some of the scenery in the journey is not nice but up ahead the scenery changes. Having a sense of purpose is what keeps a person going in the midst of life’s adversity

More than anything else, remember, that we find the best lesson on tragedy and suffering at the cross. The cross itself is a symbol of pain, limitation, strain, hatred rejection and darkness. In fact, think of all the worst things involved in tragedy and you will find them all there at the cross. Jesus was poised between heaven and earth to indicate his rejection by both, yet his arms were outreached to indicate that he would continue to love us despite his circumstances. What a lesson in pain and tragedy!! Even when we feel forsaken, stretch out your arms in love and overcome evil with good.

When you and I are on the cross of pain we often look for the shortcut out, but there is none in this life only coping and dealing with it. We must however continue to move on, praying the prayer of Jesus “Father into thy hands I commit my life.” And like Jesus when the sun refuses to shine in our life, we must invite God into the darkness. When we bring God into the darkest depths it will bring the light upon us. When we fail to see God in pain and suffering the world becomes to us a place of chaos and darkness with all the gears crashing.

Our Lord’s life was a life of suffering so that suffering could be sanctified. He was a refugee from Egypt in childhood so that the refugee might draw comfort from his plight. In his youth he lived in a home of poverty that the poor might know his sympathies are always with them. Believe me he knows what it is like to be despised, rejected, and betrayed by his own brethren. Six hours on the cross sanctifies every agony through which every son and daughter of Adam must pass.

Our Lord turned Black Friday into Good Friday but where there is no black Friday there can be no resurrection Sunday. If it is Friday in your life right now remember Sunday is coming. If you accept that, it becomes like eagle wings to the bird and sails to the ship. If you lift up the cross in your life it will lift you up. 532

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