Whispering Eternity #77

Day 77.

As you read my expose on the vulnerability of love, I neglected to tell you, my reader, that there had been a third dream one night as I holidayed on the South Coast of NSW. I failed to tell you its content for fear that you would think me strange, but at the time of the dream I had recounted it to my good friends Jenny and Ray, who visited with me on the beach the following morning. Also, at the time I had mis-applied the dream. This then had seemed to have been one of nature’s cruel tricks and the dream was forgotten, though documented in ink. I had dismissed it as merely a mirage of the mind.

The dream was thus: – I was present at a wedding, a wedding being conducted for myself and by myself in the form of a reception & ceremony of vows all rolled into one act. As I spoke, I recounted my new wife’s history of widowhood of ten years and her valor of raising three girls alone. I talked of how I felt I had come to know her husband well, because we had talked of him often, and how I felt as if he had come to me and said, “Ross I have journeyed with my love for as long as I am able, I must leave her now in your care, I am unable to stay, but I look forward to the day when we will all meet again”. At the wedding I spoke of the fine daughters, which he had left in my care, and the fine woman we had both loved.

The scene then changed to heaven, the second coming of Jesus was past, we were on green verdant rolling hills and there we all met, we shook hands and we all embraced. I introduced him to his daughters all grown and to his grandchildren, and there in eternity we were all home at last in a world without the curse of sin. Death, that last enemy, was no more. In that world where there will be no jealousies, as life will be as it should have been before the rebellion that caused our plight. We were able to live in harmony as pilgrims who had once travelled the road through the wilderness of sin and rebellion that this world once was.
As I said, the dream was filed in the gallery of my mind and 18 months rolled by. Had I not taken the time to write it down it would have quickly faded from my memory. Recounting it to Jenny and ray helped that process.

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