03 May Whispering Eternity #78
Day 78.
I meet Deisy on the Internet. When I saw her profile, I could not even read it because it was written in Portuguese, but I was drawn to it from the pages and pages of names before me. I sent her a hello from Australia in English; she sent a reply in Portuguese. I said “No speaka-the-Portuguese”, she replied in simple English that she only spoke a little, but the communication began. I was to teach her English vis email. As we talked first by email then by MSN for hours her written English improved and I never had any problem understanding what she was writing. (I leant latter she was using google translator).
She was an administrator for an Adventist hospital in Campo Grande Brazil. Her husband, Gilson, had died ten years earlier of brain cancer. She had three daughters, Ingrid 14, Karine (pronounced Karinee)12, and Stefanie 10. Stefanie had been just 4 months old when her father died, Ingrid was 4 years old and Karine 2. Deisy had put her life into rearing her three girls 2 of which developed type 1 diabetes. On several occasions she told me of how she despaired for Ingrid’s life and what the long nights were like alone as she agonized and prayed for her sick children. Having lost a husband, the thought of also losing a child was overwhelming. Many long nights were spent with tears and prayers and late visits to the hospital. The teary waves of loneliness were also crushing at times, but this is when faith becomes a beacon in the night. Trials will either make us bitter or better and here amidst the turmoil’s of loneliness, pain, loss and suffering Deisy formed a faith of steel. A bedrock faith allows you to believe that despite the chaos of the moment, God does reign, no pain lasts forever, no evil triumphs in the end. There is hope.
Do you think it impossible to love someone when all the world’s waves roll between us? Was it the work of imagination or was God once again weaving his magic this time in two hearts not one? As we talked by email and then for hours each day by MSM messaging we both felt God was putting something special in our lives. As her story unfolded, I was impressed with the uncanny similarities to the earlier dream. This compelled me to plan a visit to Brazil. Like an awakened dream Deisy became the occupation of my life, and maybe, I hoped, by destiny my wife. I sold my car to pay for the trip.
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