03 May Whispering Eternity #81
Day 81.
It took me 4 days to get to Brazil from Australia on a cheap round the world airfare that took me via Bangkok, London and New York. As I aimlessly wandered the streets of Bangkok, I said to myself there’s something not right with the world that people must live like this. I looked at the peasant culture peddling their wears in the streets, and wondered at their lives, beginning so early, and ending so late and making so little. And here was a man before me with no legs begging for coins as he dragged his bottom along a dirty pavement on a busy street lined with stalls. Where does he go at night, when does he get to wash & how does he go to the toilet? Does he have a family to go to, are there children? I was moved to tears as I tossed a few coins in the bowl of a man with no eyes, playing a pathetic stringed instrument to gain attention, as I merely moved by to spend my tourist dollars. Why did I come here? I hate this! I thought I was going to start crying in a crowded street as I realized the injustice of a world that is not right. What is love amidst all this chaos?
As I moved down the street or through a shopping mall, men would grip my arm and say, “Want to see a sexy movie,” or every Tok Tok driver would ask, “Do you want a lady?” I don’t know what it is that has conditioned a society to stereo type a single male walking their streets as some sort of sexual pervert. But then I wondered of the girls that these men controlled and the lives they must lead, and my heart cried out in pain for a world lost in sin and misery. Oh, come Lord Jesus!
Dare I dream of love amidst all this. Is it even moral to dream of love when millions dream of tomorrow’s meal, or of being able to support their families, or of finding a job or refugees hopes of a new land in a Utopia? Do these women dream of escaping these foul men, or are they resigned to their fate? Who will save them anyway? Everyone has dreams, for dreams are built of hope and by hope we forge our futures. Can I presume to dream of love amidst all this chaos?
Dare I then dream of love, of her, when I lack an understanding of the providence of God, and my dreams themselves are tormented by the realities of life. These things are too great for me and I must accept the world the way it is and not the way I want it to be. One day its change will come, and this earth will be free of its curse.
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