Whispering Eternity #83

Day 83.

And so my river had flowed, the journey so far unfinished, the wilderness of sin still about me, the coming of Jesus yet beyond, But Life is like a river and eventually it must reach the infinite ocean with which it will merge. High in the mountains the youthful stream had bubbled its way down the swift slop, lost for a time in the trees and tall cliffs that life brought me. There were moments when it became the quiet rivulet that ambles along the path of contemplation yet seeking the security of the summer sun and the plain.

How important that we let the river find its own way through life, for this is nature’s course and God’s plan. What a trauma therefore when the rivers course is altered or blocked by the will of man, and the river is made to flow where it was never intended to go. There the will of God is frustrated by the freedom of His creation to choose its own way. True peace & joy are found in the course that God would have us follow, but He will accept our mistakes and always reach out to help us from wherever we find our river has meandered to. If we find we have strayed into valley’s not of His choosing, then He will eventually show us the way to the sea. God is always the God of New Beginnings. In the end the important thing is not where we are but where we are heading.

We are all rivers. When mountain streams and quiet rivulets mature, they often meet. When this happens, there is a stirring of the waters. These are the blossoming flowers of life created by God to fill our lives with pleasures that are a foretaste of the eternal happiness that He has in store for those who follow His path. Where the rivers meet the currents run deep and when the waters merge the waves surge. These are the emotions of love as we delight in each other’s company and enjoy each other’s presence. The joy of merger makes the river stronger and the journey more powerful and the benefits flow to everything in its way and on its banks. And so, through life we will flow, wherever that might take us. Whether into valleys of quiet and vivid emotion or into canyons of coldness where we long for the light. Every bend will bring us new experiences and greater love for each other and for the God of this life who desires our eternal company when the journey is over.

1 Comment
  • Evelyn Ebens
    Posted at 07:45h, 03 June Reply


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