Whispering Eternity #94

Day 94.

The most famous boat since Noah’s ark was ‘The Great Eastern’ built in 1850 and launched from the Thames. It was twice the size of the Queen Mary built 77 years later and could carry 4,000 passengers. (The Titanic went down with 2,200.) Today the biggest cruise ship, ‘The Symphony of the Seas’ can carry 5,000 passengers.

Until recently the Great Eastern was the biggest ship ever built! However, it was plagued by tragedies & accidents all the days of its existence. When trying to haul the boat from the dock to the Thames a steel cable snapped killing a worker. On its maiden voyage it hit the dock causing an explosion on board.

After being plagued with troubles, finally the interior was stripped in 1866 and it was used to lay the transatlantic cable from the USA to Europe. Even that almost ended in disaster. The cable at one stage broke and the whole operation was in jeopardy. The captain managed to turn the ship around and, using the anchor, was able to capture the sinking cable.

The boat never achieved people’s anticipations. Again, and again, it was sold and every owner went broke. The Great Eastern ended her days as a dance hall. However, there was a superstition that sought to explain her misfortune. Some men who had been among her builders said, “We know why The Great Eastern has had so much trouble! When she was being built a riveter went missing and we think he was incarcerated in the hull. Riveted in and his shrieks were never heard.” People laughed at this yet wondered. Finally, the great ship was sold and broken down for scrap metal. It was then that they found, in the uttermost hull, the carcass of the missing riveter, and his son.

This world is a great hull and we have been riveted in. It is one great tomb, because the moment we are born we are on conveyor belt to death and judgment, and there is no getting off. This world is a devil’s island suspended in space, an orbiting cemetery as you have heard me say before. That is unless you are joined to Him who is above the world. That is unless you make it to the new world when this old hull is broken down.

Because of the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus, the outcome of your life can be entirely different. We have a way of escape from this orbiting cemetery, we have the hope of Eternal life and this is not a vain hope but a sure hope. It has insurmountable evidence. Please take the time to enroll in my next series called “Evidence” where you will learn to put your faith on a solid provable foundation. It is a devotional designed to share with your skeptical or atheistic friends. (I still currently writing it but it should be ready to go in a month.)

God can deliver (for those who accept Jesus) the only way of escape. Jesus has demonstrated He has power over death. Revelation, the last book of the Bible, declares that He has the “Keys to death”. The last 2 chapters of Bible tell us of a new heaven and a new earth where there will be no death, tears, sickness, or suffering because this old order of things will have passed away. “No more curse,” the last chapter declares (Rev 22:3). Paul in 1 Cor. 15 proclaimed, “The last enemy to be destroyed is death.”

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